1st Rehabilitation Conference of ICEVI-Europe in Budapest

Abstract submission
Abstract submission is closed
Abstracts for oral presentation, posters, workshops and symposia are welcome according to the conference theme.
Please note that to be included in the program, presenting authors must be registered participants, who have paid the registration fee.
UPDATE: The abstract submission phase is prolonged, new deadline: 15th April 2019
Formal requirements:
- A participant can submit more abstracts. The language of the abstract should be the same as the language of the presentation.
- The language of the abstract can be English or Hungarian. The same abstract on different languages should not be submitted, as the presentations will be simultaneously interpreted.
- The full name of the authors (not shortened, but without a title) and the name and city of their workplace (eg. ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, Budapest) should be provided
- Available presentation forms: presentation, poster, workshop, symposia
- Most appropriate topic should be selected from the conference topics and 3 keywords should be provided
- The length of the abstract should not be longer than 2500 characters (without the title, authors and keywords) and cannot contain figures and tables.
Forms of presentation
Presentation: participants can apply with abstracts of short presentations (around 10 minutes, exact requirement about the length of the presentation will be included in the result email). The scientific committee will group the presentations based on their topics. Time for debate will be available. Please keep the timeframe of the presentation according to the final program. If the scientific committee does not accepts the abstract for presentation, it might be accepted as a poster.
Workshop: organised only on request, please send us and email on icevi.rc2019@gmail.com
Symposia: organised only on request, please send us and email on icevi.rc2019@gmail.com